My client had been wanting to go short for years so when she decided to go for it she donated her hair to princess trust 🙂

My client had been wanting to go short for years so when she decided to go for it she donated her hair to princess trust 🙂
This is a new client. She had previously had her hair done by another hairdresser but was unhappy with the colour. Her desired look was a subtle ombre. To begin I mixed up a light blonde and sectioned some of the underneath colour out into foils. I also mixed up[…]
My client asked for half head of foils and a cut. I began by mixing three different colours. My client is naturally quite dark so I used two blondes to lighten and a natural to break up the colour so it shows off the highlights. I carefully placed the foils[…]
My client asked me for ombre and a cut. She didn’t want it to be white blonde so a darker more caramel blonde was chosen. The colour was mixed up and carefully applied to the hair. Once the colour had reached its time it was rinsed off and a toner was[…]
My client ask for half head of foils and a cut. She felt the colour was a bit too warm so asked for some ash blondes. I mixed two colours; a very light blonde and a dark blonde. I used the very light blonde to give an ash blonde and[…]
My client asked for a colour correction from blonde to red. Here are the before and after pictures
My client asked me for a full head of blonde foils to get rid of her regrowth. Three colours were used; a light blonde, a caramel blonde and a dark blonde. The three colours were alternated throughout the hair to give a natural finish. Once the foils were placed in[…]
My client asked for a natural highlights. I mixed up three colours; a light blonde, a caramel blonde and a brown. The blondes would give the colour a fresh look and the browns ensure the overall colour doesn’t go to light and/or brassy. The colours were alternated throughout the hair[…]
My client said she wanted her hair cut to one length so she could grow the whole style down at the same time. The hair was first washed before the base shape was cut in. The front was then blended onto the front to bring the cut together. A slight bob graduation[…]